​​​​​​​Samanta Aretino
​​​P h o t o g r a p h y
About myself
The digital photography of Samanta Aretino sings with untold stories. Gifted with a strong affinity for cityscapes and color, many of Aretino’s photographs focus on women, children, and urban landscape. However, her work never comes off as something simply dedicated to a cause. With clever and skillful framing, Aretino forces her viewers to care about her subjects and take an interest in them. Although they appear frequently isolated, there’s an implication of the world around them that makes them more than lonely, existential figures.
Aretino emigrated from Buenos Aires, the country of her birth, to Spain in 2001. She says this experience greatly affected her work and made her look at the world in a different way, with the knowledge that there are many ways to live, create, express, feel, and relate to people. Aretino’s photographs reflect this understanding: they're an exploration of the world and how people navigate through it.
She has studied photography at the School of Arts of Arroyomolinos.
Then continued her studies at the School of Photography of Pedro Menéndez de la Cuesta, Arroyomolinos-Madrid.
She has taken specialization courses of professional lighting and composition, report author, conceptual art and digital retouching with several artists, among them, Josechu Dávila and Juan Manuel Díaz Burgos.
By 2015, she has exhibited his work in:
Austria (Castle Hubertendorf-March 2015)
Paris (Carrousel du Louvre-June 2015)
New York (Agora Gallery-November 2015)
Eslovenia (Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana-November 2015)
Los Angeles (L.A. Photo Curator-November 2015)
Madrid (Entrefotos-Noviembre 2015)
In 2016, she has exhibited at:
Barcelona (centro Cívico Pati Llimona-March 2016).
Italia. Fair Mail Art international in Mirano (Venice, Italy. March 2016)
Macedonia. Int'l fair. Contemporary art 'Paratissima' (Skopje, Macedonia. June 2016).
Buenos Aires, Argentina (Laura Haber Gallery) Self Identities Festival. June 2016
Upcoming exhibitions:
Individual exhibition "without shelter" Luceros station, Alicante. June 2016
Collective exhibition "Minoan Civilization" Greece, Crete. (Heraklion Centre) July-August 2016
- Photogenic Festival, Barcelona. 13 of October 27, 2016
Exhibitions & Prizes:
Coffee Theather San Martín de Valdeiglesias, Madrid-Spain.
3º Prize Contest "Young Photographers" Commonwealth of Los Pinares. June 2007
Magazine Digital FOTO DIGIMAG.
Photo of the month published in the back of the magazine. May 2007
Website Todoarroyo.com. Travel Section
Photographic Reportage about the city of Oporto, Portugal. March 2008
Cultural Centre Villa del Prado, Madrid-Spain.
1º Prize Category Black & White and 2º Prize Category Color .
Contest "Young Photographers" Commonwealth of Los Pinares. June 2008
Arts School of Arroyomolinos, Madrid-Spain.
Collective Exhibition . Junio 2009
Magazine El Zoco. Hall of Exhibitions Antonio Machado, Madrid-Spain.
1º Prize Partner Amnesty International Photography Contest “Una Mirada SoliDHaria”. December 2009.
Art Modern Centre of Madrid, Spain.
“Greguerías ilustradas” October 2013. Reading audiovisual tribute to the writer Ramón Gómez de la Serna.
Cultural Centre of Aldea del Fresno, Madrid-Spain.
Solo exhibition "Women from here and there". March 2013
Newspaper Cover photo A21 March 2013
Jury of the Photo Contest “Fotolectura 2013”
Delegation of Libraries of the Community of Madrid, Spain.
Spanish Red Cross-Espacio Pozas, Madrid-Spain.
1º Finalist Contest “Women with stories” 2013 organized by Spanish Red Cross and Efti.
Book release "Sweet Revolution" Josép Pámies.
Solo exhibition of the serie “Natural Medicine”. Cultural Centre of Aldea del Fresno, Madrid-Spain. 2014
Café Comercial, Madrid-Spain.
Collective Exhibition “Chain of reasons” 2014
Amnesty International León. León-Spain.
Finalist Contest Human Rights 2014
Cultural Centre Colmenar del Arroyo, Madrid-Spain.
Collective Exhibition y photo sales in favour of Vicente Ferrer Foundation , India. 2014
“Lights from China” Solo exhibition.
Koala Pool Cultural Asociation -Aldea del Fresno, Madrid. December 2014.
Gastrofestival Madrid 2015 . Madrid Fusión 2015
“Cooks of Madrid” CEV Madrid. January 2015.
ARCO tangente-La Galería de la Magdalena.
Urban Spin off- March 2015.
Women in Focus, Atlanta EEUU.
Virtual Exhibition March 2015.
“Women of the World” Solo Exhibition.
Palacio de la Sagra-Library of Chapinería, Madrid. March 2015.
“International Modern Artist Today” Collective Exhibition at Castle of Hubertendorf, Blindenmarkt-Austria.
1º Prize “Modern Art Award” by Paks Gallery.
1º Prize Urban Art Expo and Contest "Desigualdart" de Oxfám Intermón and La Galería de Magdalena. May 2015.
Jurado del Concurso Fotográfico “Fotolectura 2015”
Delegación de Bibliotecas de la Comunidad de Madrid.
Photographic Association San Sebastián. Exhibition at the Sala "Martin Chirino" of San Sebastián de los Reyes. May 2015.
Modern Art Fair “Art Shopping 2015”
Carrousel du Louvre, París. June 2015
Publication in the Journal of Art "Sachet Mixte" Edition No. 6 "Women". July 2015
Publication in the No. 2 IMO Magazine . September 2015
Article and photos over Death and Life in the Indian city of Varanasi.
Winner of the International "Memories" contest Photo Curator , Los Angeles.
Curated by Richard S. Chow. http://goo.gl/9m02ra
Professor of Digital Photography Workshop in November 2015. Chapinería Library .
Exhibition " Lighting : An exhibition of artistic photography " , Agora Gallery- Chelsea
New York , USA . November 2015
Finalist in the Photo Contest : Through the lens of human rights.
Group exhibition at the Faculty of Social Science of Ljubljana , Slovenia
Entrefotos 2015 Exhibition of Fine Art Photography . Clock House , Madrid.
from 26 to 29 November 2015 .
At present, I´m being represented by Agora Gallery, New York-EEUU.
Some of my photos are available at Art-Mine, NY.
Solo exhibition "Urban" at Zitty restaurant. Barrio Salamanca, Madrid. January 2016
ARCO tangente exhibition. Spin off street and via Tumblr La Magdalena Gallery, Madrid. February 2016
Collective exhibition in the reading room of the library of the city Velenje, Slovenia.
"Through the lens of human rights". March 2016 and Centro Comercial Citypark, Ljubljana, Slovenia. April 2016
1st international art mail 2016 - Mirano (Venice Italy) ARCAM Mirano. March 2016
Photographic exhibition of the Fotomovimiento course and presentation of street action developed in El Raval.
Civic Center Pati Llimona, Barcelona. From March 17 to April 7, 2016
Exhibition SELF IDENTITIES International Festival of photography, painting, installation, video art and performance.
Buenos Aires (Argentina), Laura Haber Gallery, 04 of June 30, 2016.
Collective exhibition in the 3rd Edition of the international fair of contemporary art, Paratissima, Skopje (Macedonia)
Youth Cultural Centre in Skopje. 10 of June 12, 2016
Interdisciplinary exhibition Exchange you 2.0, CSA Tabacalera, Madrid from 24 to 26 of June 2016